Lilly Pilly Cottage Grand Opening

It was with great joy that at the start of Term 3 we opened the new building for our Kindergarten Preparatory Program.  Our Prep has been running since 1999, starting under the guidance of the lovely Marilyn Kent. In recent years the program has grown from 33 children in 2014 to its current number of 82.

The old ELP building was one of the oldest in the school, having been used in the past for infants classrooms and the uniform shop before finding its place in the ELP.  Some of the interior of the building was constructed by volunteers and staff in the early years of the school.

The beautiful new building has 4 large rooms on the top floor and another room underneath.  The upper floor has large sliding doors which help create a flexible learning space for the different activities. The large verandah sweeps around the front of the building, helping to create a lovely shaded area for children to enjoy on sunny days.  The room on the lower floor is currently being used for Kindergym.  Our Gumnut and Prep children cycle through the program developing gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination and core body strength through a wide range of activities under the careful guidance of our Advanced Kindergym Coach Mrs Helen Kotwa.

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