At Carinya, we seek to provide all students with a safe and secure learning environment, and this includes keeping students safe while online. While there are many and obvious benefits of using the internet, at Carinya we also want to ensure students are made aware of the dangers of using the internet, especially in relation to cyber bullying. 

As image bearers of God, we believe that no student should be subject to bullying or unkindness in any form, including online bullying or harassment. Cyber bullying can have significant consequences for the bullied student and the school seeks to be proactive in dealing with and responding to any form of cyber bullying from our students.

If cyber bullying occurs, within or outside the school, students and parents are encouraged to report it to a teacher or Head of School. The school must respond directly and forthrightly to any allegation of bullying, remembering that all parties concerned are entitled to procedural fairness and the right to be heard without prejudice. Parents will usually be informed of any cyber bullying involving their child.

Students are reminded about how to be safe online and how to deal with cyber bullying through speaking about the issue at assemblies and School Chat. This may also be done by classroom teachers in their lessons or during Pastoral Care time. Wesbites such as are regularly used to promote cyber safety to students and is a wonderful resource for parents, students and schools.