Both Carinya Christian School Gunnedah and Tamworth are operated by Carinya Christian Education Ltd, a not for profit company and registered charity. The Constitution of Carinya Christian Education Ltd sets out the objects of the organisation and the requirements for membership and the Board of Directors.

Carinya Christian Education Ltd is a public company registered with ASIC and ACNC and responsible to a number of State and Federal authorities. Registered non-government schools are required by law to have and implement policies and procedures for the proper governance of the school.

The Board of the association is made up of volunteer members with meetings held up to 12 times per year. The Board plays a critical role in determining the Strategic direction of the school including the employment of the CEO and Principals. The Board is currently supported by one formal committee which considers in detail matters related to Finance on behalf of the Board.

All Board members are required to complete ongoing professional learning and development concerning the proper governance of non government schools.

Applications for membership to Carinya Christian Education Ltd is in accordance with the Constitution of the company.